Friday, September 30, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Settle In, Despite Weather And Police Clashes

The mass protest instigated by the Occupy Wall Street protest group is gaining traction after video of a police officer pepper spraying women in the face brought the previously lagging national media onto the story. The New York Times played a large role in making the story national by posting video of the incident on its website. Previously, it had been the independent media that was reporting on the protests and the excessive force and demeaning tactics employed by the NYPD. It seems these people are dedicated and organized and in for the long run. I, for one, am surprised and inspired by the course of events and want to go downtown to check it out, and see if I get harassed for exercising the freedoms of the democracy.

Police Brutality and Mainstream Media Blackout of "Occupy Wall Street" Protests
I only really know about the Occupy Wall Street protests because a friend aggressively brought it to my attention. I had read a piece on the 80 arrests the other day inThe Times, and apparently they've posted video of protesters being pepper sprayed by the NYPD, but somehow the significance of the ongoing action didn't dawn on me. I was, and am, consumed by work and the day-to-day challenges of life in the city at the moment. Amazing. I am working to survive, in a corrupt system, and therefore I don't always have the energy or time to try and make it honest by challenging it.

Video of protests and the NYPD actions against the Occupy Wall Street protesters

A site with live-streaming of the protests

A chilling interview with an active trader on BBC News, in which he warns of an impending crash and declares that Goldman Sachs, not governments, rule the world.

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