Thursday, March 10, 2011

News & Analysis II, March 10, 2011

I feel compelled these days to do something and so I have been sending more links through my political email list. I hope this is not a burden for those on the list and if you can't deal with this stuff now then you obviously don't have to read it. And if anyone is getting fed up - with my attempts at advocacy and activism - then you can always opt out. Thanks...

Wisconsin dairy factory farms pollute groundwater.

Background on non-GMO movement leaders...

GE Salmon petition

GMO Labeling petition

Wisconsin and Obama...

Guardian on Walker's Agenda...

News & Analysis I, March 10, 2011

The New York Times' Wisconsin coverage has been inadequate, at best. Here are a few stories that shed more light on the rightwing attempt to strip organized labor and working families of their collective bargaining rights and political power. It's a bald-faced play to further weaken the middle class in this country and it has major implications for the next election and the future of the country.

Propublica has been doing an excellent job investigating the environmental hazards of natural gas drilling, particularly in Pennsylvania. Now, the governor there has appointed an energy industry advocate there as the environmental czar in the state...

Here's a revealing, cautionary piece on New Jersey's rising GOP star, Governor Christie.