Monday, June 13, 2011

10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media (2011)

The Activist Post lists the ten most influential people in the alternative media world and it is a fascinating read that gives confidence to those who are sick and tired of the status quo and want to make some noise in the hopes of changing things in our world. The key is information and that is the focus of all the people on this list; the dissemination of hardcore fact-based analysis and information that contradicts much of the reporting we see in mainstream media venues.

For Pesticides: Apples Are Worst, Onions The Best

If you're struggling to determine where best to spend your organic dollars then this guide to pesticide levels in produce can be of assistance. It turns out that apples, strawberries, celery, peaches and spinach have the highest levels of pesticide residue and you should go with an alternative organic variety if you can. Nonetheless, the EWG states that the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables outweighs the risk from pesticides, so you should keep eating them even if you can't get or afford organic produce. Ugh.

Environmental Working Group's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Organic Agriculture's Resilience Shows Untapped Potential

Maine GOP Chair: We Must Make It Harder To Vote Because ‘Democrats Intentionally Steal Elections’

The GOP push to restrict voting rights continues in the state of Maine where the Tea Party Gov. LePage has pushed a bill through the legislature to end same-day voter registration. Despite the absence of data demonstrating voter fraud of any significant level in the country, similar measures are being instituted in more than a dozen GOP-controlled states. In Maine, there is a "peoples veto" law that may be used to overturn the legislation.

What’s wrong with the USDA’s new MyPlate graphic? Plenty

This article reviews the USDA's redesign of the old food triangle and the hypocrisy of the exercise when the government subsidizes unhealthy food production and allows predatory marketing of junk food to children. While 63% of federal subsidies go to meat and dairy, fruits and vegetables get less than 1%. A flawed chart will not change the health of Americans, only a dramatic change in policy will get it done.