I have recently come to the realization that much of the disease that we are constantly suffering in American society is caused by chemical and additives as well as reduced nutritional levels in processed foods. Yet, it wasn't until I learned that natural remedies, including a raw foods diet and high dose vitamin therapies with zero side effects, have been successfully used by thousands of people to treat and cure disease, that I flipped. For the past two weeks I have been on a 50% raw foods diet and I believe the powerful health benefits of these vegetables should not be ignored. Read this short piece for some of the peer-reviewed science that supports the Raw Foods diet. One interesting thing that I've noticed since I began juicing a couple of meals a day is that I almost never drink coffee anymore. I used to have five or six cups before going to work and now I no longer have the urge. The nutritional boost from the juices, and other things like hemp seed, have raised my energy levels so that I don't feel as tired after a late night as I used to. We're not really supposed to be tired all the time like we seem to be in this country. If you eat foods with high levels of unadulterated nutrients then your fatigue will go away and your overall health with improve.
Raw Food Treatment for Cancer