Friday, February 3, 2012

Romney Isn’t Concerned

Of course, there are so other major issues to consider these days that I am reluctant to even pay attention to the dysfunctional and disruptive goings-on in the Republican primary race. Nonetheless, Mitt Romney's revealing comments about the plight of the poor and Paul Krugman's explanation of how he would further undercut the disadvantaged through his tax policies, is a worthy read.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We'll Frack Alberta's Next Election, Vow Landowners

Exemptions to environmental laws to allow fracking have already caused enormous contamination damage to groundwater throughout North America. This piece details what's going on in Alberta, and the political backlash gaining steam there.

Repeal HPV Vaccine for Girls—Not a Dream: Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates Passed Such a Bill

Virginia, the first state to require the HPV vaccine for young girls is now the first to repeal the requirement, because of major and life-threatening adverse reactions.

‘Gasland’ director arrested for filming in Congress

Josh Fox has really been working hard to keep the heat, and the camera, on the fracking industry and its Congressional pals. Hopefully this incident, in which representatives denied credentials to ABC and Fox to shoot a public hearing, will backfire on the Oil & Gas industry and its GOP apologists.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Protein propaganda: It’s what’s for dinner

I've always loved a medium-rare steak but I don't really don't like being lied to about it by the government and the meat industry.

Why Is a Monsanto Lobbyist Serving as the FDA’s Food Safety Czar?

It is a travesty that Michael Taylor, a former high-profile lobbyist for Monsanto, is the second highest-ranking official in the FDA. He's been actively persecuting small farmers and food co-ops with armed raids while pushing through new GMO crops and protecting the food industry rather than public health. The story includes a link to sign a petition calling for Taylor's dismissal. I'd love to see that happen in a second Obama Administration.