Saturday, June 11, 2011

FDA Roadblocks Revolution in Nutrition

Compromised by deep ties to the industries that it's supposed to oversee, the FDA has aggressively embarked on the persecution of innovative and effective natural health remedies as well as traditional herbal and vitamin therapies that would dramatically improve health and reduce sickness in the American population. This Alliance for Natural Health piece provides background and excellent detailed examples of FDA's obstruction and bias, and is part of the organization's campaign to reform the FDA.

Here is a link the the "Reform FDA" resource page from the ANH ebsite

Wash. Times Uses E. Coli Outbreak In Germany To Spread Fear About Organic Food

Prepare for a barrage of speculation that organic foods are somehow more risky than conventional produce, even though the FDA says there is no data showing that organic has different risks than other food. The conservative Washington Times has begun this misinformation campaign, according to Media Matters.