Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tim DeChristopher sentenced to 2 years in prison, taken immediately into custody

This story and the others below shine light on the prosecution and sentencing of environmental activist Tim DeChristopher. His actions at a hastily arranged and illegal public land auction in Utah, designed by the Bureau of Land Management to be a cheap sell-off of lands to the oil and gas industry, brought attention to an illegal sale that bypassed legal environmental impact review requirements. His actions were not only courageous but overwhelming in the public interest, yet the government has aggressively prosecuted his case and pushed for jail time as a deterrent to others who might wish to disrupt the wholesale land grabs for energy companies that have traditionally delivered millions of acres to industry for pennies on the dollar.

Tim DeChristopher's Courtroom Speech: This is What Patriotism Looks Like
This is an extremely well-constructed and informative commentary on the case itself and what facts were not permitted into the courtroom.

DeChristopher case begs question: What if enviros were allowed to bid on oil leases?

DeChristopher Sentenced: Real News Network Video Report

Pardon Tim DeChristopher - Petition

1 comment:

  1. I think Tim DeChristopher is currently being held at the Davis County Jail in Utah. He is awaiting transfer to the Federal Prison Camp.
