Thursday, March 24, 2011

The EPA: Cleaning Up Crappy Water Since 1970

Update on litigation against an EPA decision that require CAFOs, a major source of water pollution, to obtain a Clean Water Act permit to operate. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just reversed the order and all sorts of lawsuits are pending. Above pictures a dead zone in the Chesapeake Bay which EPA has targeted for a massive Total Maximum Daily Load regulatory action to limit runoff from farms, that is now being challenged by industry and the GOP. Congress leads with funding cuts and legislative assault on the agency while agribusiness interests fund lawsuit after lawsuit.

Here's an item from the Chesapeake Bay Program that details the historic EPA effort now under attack to regulate the watershed that feeds the bay.

This is an eloquent piece from EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, that counters the argument that we must choose the economy or the environment. That argument is simply not true.

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